Thursday, November 28, 2019


6. COMMON MISTAKES IN ESSAY WRITING Taking into account that you read this article, we have every right to suggest that your writing skills are far from ideal. Don’t worry: a lack of experience can be compensated with talent and efforts. Let’s look through the list of mistakes that you should avoid in your perfect essay. - Talking about nothing When you are not really interested in a topic and too lazy to provide profound research, you start making up stories, fabricate facts, and repeat your thesis statement, again and again, using different words. That’s not a good idea. Your teacher has read thousands of papers, and you can’t trick him or her with your eloquence. Pull yourself together, and you will pull through it! - Lack of concentration Focus on your question and don’t allow your thoughts to lose the right path. An essay is not a philosophical monologue that you can start with a poem and finish with a discourse about the origins of terrorism. Your writing has to be consistent and logical! - Including unsupported ideas Every statement in your writing requires one or two supporting details: facts, quotes, statistics, examples, etc. You will sound unreliable and thoughtless without these elements. - Lexical tautologies Come on, use a dictionary! Your vocabulary is not always enough, especially when the scientific terminology is required. Sometimes, it is better to consult the thesaurus in order to make your writing more complex and serious. - Ignore the task As said above, there are various types of essays. Every type has its own peculiarities, structure, and purpose. You shouldn’t mistake an argumentative essay for a persuasive or analytical essay. - New information in the conclusion A new idea in a concluding paragraph is a bad idea. The readers don’t want to be surprised by an unexpected detail. They are eager to see the logical finale of your reasoning. - Absence of the thesis statement Your thesis is the origin of the entire writing. That is why the foundation should be laid in the introductory paragraph. It establishes the structure, the logic, and the purpose of your narration. - Informal language Leave all words like â€Å"wanna† and â€Å"gotta† for your friends’ e-mails. An informal style is unacceptable for academic papers. Use high-level vocabulary and consult a dictionary if necessary. - Length of the sentences Balance is everything. You can’t develop an idea properly using four words. At the same time, lengthy constructions confuse your readers and hinder from following your reasoning. - Misuse of words Students frequently confuse words like â€Å"effect† and â€Å"affect,† â€Å"whose† and â€Å"those,† or â€Å"quit† and â€Å"quite.† Be attentive and proofread your paper two or three times. - Neglect references If you use a source, it is necessary to cite it properly. Plagiarism is a common problem of the modern educational system. The consequences of plagiarism can be very serious even if it seems to be accidental. - Punctuation mistakes Punctuation rules can be tangled and confusing. Anyway, you have to use proper punctuation in order to present your thoughts in a clear way and to make a good impression. Be especially careful with: - Comma splice: you should use a semicolon or add a conjunction between two independent clauses. - Missing comma before and, nor, but, or, yet, etc. - Missing subject or verb. - Unnecessary comma: you shouldn’t put commas between an independent clause and its dependent clause, verb and its direct object, or two elements with a conjunction between them. - Missing commas around interrupters: on the other hand, fortunately, in fact, etc. 7. CREDIBLE AND DUBIOUS SOURCES FOR YOUR ESSAY Every farmer knows that the harvest will be poor if you sow a field with meager soil. The same applies to the process of essay writing. If you use unreliable and untrusted sources, your work won’t be taken seriously. That is why the skills of searching trustworthy information are so important for every writer. Journalists have a rule that any fact should be confirmed with at least three sources. This law is also true for essays. Although it is nearly impossible to abide by this rule, the mentioned principle should be your orienting point. The internet is the greatest storage of data in our world, but the process of picking useful information often looks like digging through the trash. Below, we’ll give some directions so you won’t be totally lost in this chaos. First of all, you should figure out what domain names you can trust. A domain name is an indicator that shows a website belongs to a certain realm. We will discuss the prominent domains such as .edu, .org, .gov, and .com: .Edu This domain name points to different educational institutions. Usually, these websites are under control of educational specialists, so the published information is highly reliable. .Org The non-profit organizations have this domain name. The best thing about these sites is that they don’t try to sell you anything or to trick you in any possible way. In few words, they are worth your trust. .Gov This domain name is used by the governmental institutions. Here, the information is relatively reliable. However, some facts might be distorted and politicized, so you’d better be careful. .Com You should be very attentive while searching information on these websites. The commercial organizations are not always conscientious about provided data. Although some commercial sources are great, they may contain a lot of hidden or evident advertisements. Next warning: Stay away from the thousands of personal homepages and the millions of blogs. They are called PERSONAL for a reason. The bloggers offer their own point of view, and they are unlikely to be professionals. Of course, these kinds of sources might be helpful if you are looking for various opinions on your topic. However, you shouldn’t count on their credibility. What about printed sources? Let’s see how you can separate peer-reviewed and scientific journals from the plethora of magazines. - Scientific journals - Terminology, formal language - Absence of ads (usually) - Lack of colors - Published once in three months - Experienced and licensed authors - Other magazines - Informal language, simple vocabulary - Lots of ads - Glossy paper and bright printing - Published ALL THE TIME - Almost anybody We will clarify one more thing: fiction books are for leisure; non-fiction books are for research. Sure, you’ll have to use fiction as a source if you write a review of a book of fiction, but this fact is obvious. You can’t rely on any Wiki-site. The explanation is simple: anybody can edit these articles, and the censors are not always there to delete all of the nonsense. Although Wikipedia is far from ideal, you should check out other online encyclopedias: World Digital Library, Britannica, Scholarpedia, and others. Lots of library collections published online are a priceless source for your essay. You can also rely on information published online by well-known newspapers and news agencies: The New York Times, Daily News, The Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, etc. No doubt, you can provide your research in an old-fashioned way and visit the library on your own. Yes, they still exist. Remember that there is an exception to every rule. If you write an opinion paper, you may use any possible source in order to get acquainted with all existing points of view. ALWAYS take notes about your sources. This habit will keep you safe from plagiarism accusations. Use proper citations and give credit to your sources. Let’s summarize everything said above in this table. Good Sources - Websites that end with .edu, .org, and .gov - Well-known online newspapers and news agencies - Online encyclopedias - Scientific journals - Non-fiction books - Public, academic libraries Bad Sources - Most websites that end with .com - Personal homepages and blogs - Wikipedia - Glossy magazines - Fiction books - Word of mouth 8. COMMON ESSAY FORMATTING STYLES A formatting style is a particular approach to writing academic papers. As a rule, the formatting styles are standardized and accepted by the majority of educational and research institutions. Different disciplines require different approaches to citation and formatting, which is why there is no universal style. We will talk about three of the most widespread formats. MLA MLA (Modern Language Association) style is widely used for essays in humanities and liberal arts: literature, philosophy, music, etc. MLA style doesn’t require a title page. You type your name, your instructor’s name, the course, and the date in the upper left-hand corner on the first page of your paper. If emphasizing is necessary, you can use italics. A page where you mention all sources that you’ve used for your essay has the title â€Å"Works Cited.† We’ve mentioned the most significant peculiarities of MLA format. In order to get more detailed information, please, check out our presentation. APA This style was created by the American Psychological Association, so it is commonly used for the essays on social and behavioral disciplines: economics, history, psychology, management, etc. Unlike MLA style, APA format requires a title page. At the top, every page has a so-called â€Å"running head† – a short version of your work’s title (50 symbols maximum). The page with sources is called â€Å"References.† This information is enough to see the difference between APA and MLA formats. Before you start formatting your paper according to APA style, consult our presentation Chicago Format The title of this style comes from the Chicago Style Manual dedicated to American English punctuation, grammar, and style. It is widely used by students for formatting their papers on many disciplines. Chicago format allows writers to reference their sources with the help of footnotes and endnotes together with a bibliography page. That is the reason why this formatting style is preferable for the papers that focus on the source of origin. You’ll find more helpful information about Chicago format in our presentation. 9. GOOD TOPICS FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF ESSAYS Finally, we would like to offer you a list of 30 interesting topics that you may use for your papers. In brackets, we have included the most appropriate type of essay for every topic. COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY: Civilization vs. Animal Instinct. Laptop vs. Desktop. ANALYTICAL ESSAY: Why are dreams important for our lives? Why can big indoor plants be dangerous? Change of Perception Based on Attractiveness ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY: Should photography exhibitions be censored? Should cloning extinct species be allowed? PERSUASIVE ESSAY: Are Beauty Contests a Good Thing For Young Girls? Management and leadership are not the same things. Animal experimentation has to be permitted. Does computer gaming addiction lead to more dangerous consequences among children or adults? CHOICE ESSAY: Tyranny or democracy? Explain your choice. 1980s or 2000s? Explain your choice. PROBLEM SOLUTION ESSAY: How to guarantee justice for all in the USA? How to impress colleagues at your new workplace? EXPOSITORY ESSAY: Explain how writers can influence readers. What symptoms does shopping addiction have? DEFINITION ESSAY: Define the term â€Å"crowdsourcing.† Define the term â€Å"Russian soul.† CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY: Did the Industrial Revolution Lead to a Sexual Revolution? How does paternalism affect a child’s worldview? What are the main causes of euphoria? COLLEGE ADMISSIONS ESSAY: Why is name of the university the perfect place to prepare you for your future career? How do I imagine Earth of the 22nd century? PROCESS ESSAY: How to live through a boring lecture? How to read a book in 15 minutes? DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY: My worst nightmare. My teenage diary. NARRATIVE ESSAY: Describe the time when you realized that Santa and unicorns don’t exist. Why have I decided to move out from my parents’ house? CRITICAL ESSAY: What role does religion play in the novel â€Å"The Kite Runner?† On the â€Å"Wonder Woman† movie and feminism. On â€Å"American History X† and propaganda of Neo-Nazism. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ESSAY: The pros and cons of being an outcast teenager. Advantages and disadvantages of imaginative thinking.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pago De Impuestos De Expatriados Americanos

Pago De Impuestos De Expatriados Americanos Los ciudadanos  estadounidenses que residen en el extranjero tienen la obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos todos los aà ±os. Recordar que vivir fuera del paà ­s no es causa suficiente para perder la nacionalidad y, por lo tanto, hay que seguir cumpliendo con obligaciones, como la del pago de impuestos. El propio Departamento de Estado desconoce cuntos estadounidenses residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y estima que la cifra puede estar entre los 3 y los seis millones, sin incluir en el cà ³mputo a los militares destinados en el extranjero. Por cierto, esta exigencia de pago de impuestos tambià ©n aplica a los hombres y mujeres que sirven en el exterior en cualquiera de las cuatro ramas de los Ejà ©rcitos americanos (Army, Navy, Air y Marines). Y esta obligacià ³n incluso continà ºa por 10 aà ±os para las personas que renuncian a la nacionalidad para no pagar impuestos. Y es que à ©sta es en la actualidad una de las razones ms comunes por las que se renuncia al pasaporte americano, si bien no es la à ºnica como muestran estos 10 amosos que decidieron abandonar su condicià ³n de estadounidenses. Con la finalidad de informar sobre cà ³mo cumplir con esta obligacià ³n, en este artà ­culo se explica cunto y cà ³mo presentar la planilla de impuestos, cà ³mo identificar a los familiares que no son ciudadanos y un enlace al listado de paà ­ses con los que Estados Unidos tiene un tratado firmado para evitar la doble imposicià ³n. Es decir, para evitar pagar en el paà ­s en el que se vive y tambià ©n en Estados Unidos (pero aà ºn en esos casos en los que no hay que pagar es necesario presentar las planillas). Cunto Hay Que Presentar Las Planillas De Impuestos (Filing) En Estados Unidos el à ºltimo dà ­a para enviar las planillas de las taxes es el 15 de abril. Sin embargo, los expatriados y residentes que viven en el extranjero tienen una extensià ³n automtica de dos meses. En otras palabras, tienen hasta el 15 de junio para cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias. Si en esa fecha todavà ­a no estn listos para cumplir con el IRS, pueden solicitar mediante la planilla  4868 que se le conceda una extensià ³n adicional hasta el 15 de octubre. Sin embargo, este nuevo plazo puede llevar aparejado que tengan que pagar intereses de demora e incluso una multa. Cà ³mo Desgravar Familiares Extranjeros Puede suceder que un ciudadano expatriado o un residente permanente legal que se encuentra temporalmente en el extranjero està ©n casados o tengan hijos que no tengan su mismo estatus legal, desde el punto de vista americano y, por lo tanto, no tengan un nà ºmero de seguridad social (NSS). Estos nà ºmeros son necesarios para poder desgravar a una persona como dependiente a la hora de rellenar las planillas de impuestos. La solucià ³n para estos casos es solicitar un ITIN, o nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal que se puede solicitar desde el extranjero. Dà ³nde Deben Los Expatriados Enviar Las Planillas De Impuestos Es posible utilizar internet recurriendo a Freefile. O tambià ©n se admite enviar en papel toda la documentacià ³n a: Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service CenterAustin, TX 73301-0215USA Y el pago, junto con la forma 1040-S a: Internal Revenue ServiceP.O. Box 1300Charlotte, NC 28201-1300USA Ayuda Para Rellenar Las Planillas Para Pago De Impuestos Por Expatriados Si tiene dudas, siempre se puede contactar directamente con el IRS, o llamar al 1 267-941-1000 (telà ©fono de pago). Algunas embajadas y consulados, en paà ­ses con un alto nà ºmero de estadounidenses expatriados, brindan un servicio para ayudar a los ciudadanos a cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias, como son los casos de Londres, Parà ­s, Frankfurt y Beijing. Cuentas Bancarias en El Exterior Estados Unidos impone sobre sus ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales la obligacià ³n de declarar las cuentas de banco que tienen en el exterior y los intereses que puedan producir. Tambià ©n se debe notificar cualquier tipo de fondos de inversià ³n. La cantidad a partir de la cual se debe declarar son $10,000 La forma a cumplimentar es la TD-90.22.1 Clculo De Ingresos a Declarar Lo ms comà ºn es que los expatriados y residentes permanentes en el exterior ganen sus ingresos en una moneda distinta al dà ³lar americano. Pero la declaracià ³n para el pago de impuestos debe haber convertido todas las cantidades a la divisa estadounidense. Se puede hacer una estimacià ³n anual teniendo en cuenta todas las fluctuaciones en el cambio del valor de las monedas. O si los ingresos corresponden a fechas concretas, es posible declarar el cambio exacto que la divisa extranjera tenà ­a en tal fecha frente al dà ³lar. Tratados Para Evitar La Doble Imposicià ³n Es posible que los expatriados deban  pagar dos veces por los mismos ingresos: en el paà ­s de residencia y en Estados Unidos. Todo depende de si hay tratado de doble imposicià ³n  o no entre ambas naciones. Derechos De Los Ciudadanos Americanos en El Exterior La ciudadanà ­a americana da obligaciones pero, sin duda, tambià ©n derechos y privilegios. Para los estadounidenses en el exterior destacan la posibilidad de cobrar su cheque de jubilacià ³n, aunque no se puede beneficiar de Medicare. Asimismo, en muchos casos pueden transmitir la ciudadanà ­a americana a los hijos que tienen y nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos. Y, por supuestos, si regresan a Estados Unidos pueden pedir una green card para sus familiares. Si bien antes de presentar los papeles informarse sobre posibles problemas. El caso ms tà ­pico es cuando se intenta pedir una green card para el cà ³nyuge, pero el mismo inconveniente se presenta cuando se solicita otro familiar ya que no se pueden probar ingresos en Estados unidos, por lo que es muy conveniente estar informado. Reglas De Pago De Impuestos Para Residentes Permanentes Fuera De Estados Unidos Los residentes permanentes legales tienen una limitacià ³n sobre el tiempo que pueden permanecer en el extranjero sin poner en peligro la tenencia de su tarjeta. Deben pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos por los ingresos que perciban durante su estancia en el exterior. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los residentes permanentes que abandonan su green card para evitar pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es consejo legal o fiscal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ProjectIII Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ProjectIII - Essay Example when you do have the money? At the current state of funds availability and family members (husband and children), one’s individual health insurance is the only one afforded at the moment. In this regard, one acknowledges that I and my family are not adequately insured for auto, homeowners and life insurance given that the amount of current income could not possible support and sustain purchasing all these at the same time. In this regard, after having accomplished the risk management plan, one was made increasingly aware of the sources of risks, the potential losses that one is exposed to, and how one could handle and address the risks through purchase of additional insurance that caters to different risks. As one has already earmarked some portions of combined income for the life insurances of the children, with the surplus of $750 per month, one could try to fit in other insurance coverage as deemed necessary. I could prioritize on purchasing additional health insurance coverage that would include my husband and my children and therefore fits within the family coverage, which is less costly. I have to review the inclusions (pharmacy, dental) depending on the availability of funds. Secondly, I think fitting car insurance needs to be planned next as the risks in driving and travelling are more eminent because we need to go out daily to our work settings and the children have to be taken to their schools. And third, I plan to buy a home insurance to increase protection from fire and theft at home. Other insurances such as life insurance could be planned last when one has substantial savings to accommodate this. Using the website Living to 100, after answering the questions indicated in the calculator to determine the life expectancy, the results revealed that my calculated life expectancy is 88 years which is well above the life expectancies of my parents (Living to 100, 2011). The questions delved in crucial aspects of one’s lifestyle,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector Essay - 4

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector - Essay Example I realized that human resource is a challenge to the third sector. Specifically, distinction between the role of the volunteer and the regular employees often bring many challenges (Tilly, 2011 p 23). among them include planning the activities of the agency with the volunteers. The agency depends on the human resource in running its activities an aspect that makes reliance on the volunteers quite challenging. As the name suggest, a volunteer may seize to be a staff of the agency. I think soliciting funds is a challenge to the agency because it has a direct impact on running the activity of the organizations. Before the children get into the hands of their adopters, for instance, they live under the care of the agency. This means that the agency has to solicit funds that can sustain the program. Moreover, the agency does know when the adopters would knock at the agency’s door. I think this explains the reasons for allocating funds for nearly every person under the umbrella of the organization. Although third sector has been in place for a number of years, lack of understanding between funders and state based purchasers makes the running of the agency quite hard. I believe that this misconception is worrying because it shifts the attention of either group, an aspect that might dent the functions of the organization. Arguably, lack of awareness among the main players contributes to this situation (Tilly, 2011 p12). Further, the recognition of the brands used by the third sector is an important step that would help in changing the situation. I think formalization of the activities of the firm would not only influence the future state of the firm, but also change the present trends in handling issues within the agency. I think distinction between the beneficiaries and the other persons is gnawing at the agency. In turn, the reverberation of this challenge affects normal activities

Monday, November 18, 2019

Principles of Social Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Principles of Social Workers - Essay Example Thesis Statement Considering the task of social workers this report would intend to discuss the ethical standards and responsibilities of social workers. Thus, the objective of report is to understand various aspects of the moral concerns and other operating principles to be considered by the social workers taking into account the working standards, historical outlooks, confidentiality and ethical responsibilities. Unique Aspects of Social Worker’s Profession Social worker’s occupation has its unique form of understanding, ‘code of ethics’, values, state certifications and countrywide system of qualified education packages. These aspects prepare social workers to syndicate the aspiration and to assist others with the knowledge, abilities and morals which are essential to offer such assistances with efficiency. Contextually, besides various non-governmental organizations, social workers are also found in public organizations, profit-seeking companies, hospit als, universities, police branches, courts and numerous other modern day workplaces serving various people, families and societies at large (National Association of Social Workers, 2012). It is worth mentioning in this regard that professional social workers assist people to restore or improve their abilities for social working through developing societal situations favorable of the accomplishment of their objectives. Hence, the tasks of social work require acquaintance of human behavior of social, financial and cultural establishments and the incorporation of all these characteristics. Furthermore, social workers’ occupation is considered as highly qualified and knowledgeable specialists, which is also regarded as one of the rapidly increasing professions in the United States. The report of ‘Council on Social Work Education’ depicts that in the year 2000, almost 22,163 students were registered in social working programs which was further anticipated to grow by 3 0% in 2010. Unlike other professions, social workers attempt to assist people to overcome the challenges faced by them in their daily lives in terms of poverty, discernment, abuse, addiction, physical sickness, annulment, joblessness, educational limitation, disability and mental sickness. It is in this context that the social workers attempt to inhibit crisis situations and guide people to deal with the pressures of regular life more efficiently (National Association of Social Workers, 2012). National Organization for Human Service Education (NOHSE) Standards In general terms, there are no specific standards which can provide action for every situation that might appear in the tasks of social workers. However, in the year 1995, National Organization for Human Service Education (NOHSE) had approved ethical standards for social workers in order to reduce the conflict of strategies towards determining the course of actions to be taken in certain circumstances. These standards narrated the responsibilities bestowed on social workers defining social work as an occupation which has developed in reaction to the expectation of human requirements and problems. Therefore, social workers should preserve the truthfulness and morals of occupation, encourage welfare of people and improve their professional qualities on a continuous basis.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Women in Christianity

Women in Christianity Women are oppressed by the religion of Christianity. For the religion of Christianity the equal rights for women is a great unfulfilled concern, from time beyond memory they have been dependent to man, in the family, and with restrained rights and involvement in worship. This is a big and intricate matter as Christianity is one of the major religions in the world. Is the opinion that Christianity oppresses women, based on historical facts or is the misinterpretation of these out of context scriptures; Let us look to the bible for some answers and solutions to the chaos and confusion with which modern women are confronted. Throughout the Bible, men were the heads of families and were the leaders. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah, David, Solomon, Joseph and many more. As a result , it stands to reason and historical fact that the Bible is indeed patriarchal. But does this inevitably mean that women are oppressed and degraded? Genesis(1:26-27) Then God said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air.. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them It was not Adam alone, but Eve who made up Gods image, and thus, women are a part of this creation story, not demeaned but fully equal in the benefits provided by God. Arguing the idea that the male gender was created first is like twins arguing about who is greater due to which emerged first from the womb. They were created equally and with the intention of reflecting Gods image in their own union, man and wife. The Bible teaches that man and woman were co-participants in the Fall: Adam and Eve were both responsible. Gen 3:6; Rom 5:12-21; The Bible teaches that both man and woman were created in Gods image, had a direct relationship with God, and shared jointly the responsibilities of bearing and bringing up children and having dominion over all the earth, and over all the creatures. In first-century Palestine, the way Jesus treated women was considered revolutionary. Jesus Christ taught that women were just as responsible for growing in grace and knowledge as men when it came to being one of his followers. Jesus expected women as well as men to learn from him. The Bible does not say how many women moved around with Jesus and his male disciples, but definitely Luke records the names of a prominent few, and mentions there were â€Å"many others.† Jesus walked through towns and countryside, preaching and giving the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve followed him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, who had been freed of seven demons; Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herods steward: Susanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds. (Luke 8:1-3) It was the women who stayed at the foot of the Cross. The mother of Jesus, Mary, the other Mary, and Mary Magdalene with only one of the Apostle John, the beloved disciple. And it was Mary Magdalene who went early at the tomb and It was a woman who found the most important phenomenon in history, the Resurrection of Jesus. In that time in history and culture , women were considered to be not reliable and they were not permitted to be witnesses in court. And yet Jesus wanted a women as his strongest witnesses, and accomplish his greatest works. Jesus asked Mary to bring the announcement to the apostles, so we see that he relied on women to bring the men to him. Christianity today has a lot to thank women for, as men disbelieved, questioned, and ran away, but the women gathered them and lead them back to Jesus. Now, one major issue is Saint Paul. He comes across as a big misogynist. But is our interpretation accurate? In 1 Timothy 2: 11-13, Paul says, Let a woman quietly receive instruction and be submissive. I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men. Let them be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Adam was not deceived ,it was the woman who was deceived and fell into sin. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided that her life be orderly and holy, in faith and love. St. Paul has been the victim of a bad press as far as women are concerned. Some have regarded him as the one whose basic message to women is to shut up, cover their heads and listen to their husbands. In the thirteen letters of St. Paul, there are probably no passages that are as difficult for modern Western readers as those having to do with women. To clear Paul of charges of misogyny, perhaps we need to look at some historical considerations: Paul was brought up as a Jew in the sect of the Pharisees until his adult life. In the Judaism in which Paul was reared, relationships between men and women were subject to the laws of ritual impurity. If a man so much as touched a woman at the wrong time of the month he could become ritually impure himself. In Leviticus, the law stipulates that a woman who has given birth to a daughter must undergo a period of purification twice as long as that for the birth of a son. And among the daily prayers â€Å"the Eighteen Benedictions† recited by Jewish men is this: â€Å"Blessed Thou art, O Lord, for not having created me a woman.† So St. Paul grew up regarding to women in a particular way, and some of the comments he makes about women can probably be credited to his own background. Womens status and freedoms were definitely restricted by Jewish law and custom. As we mentioned already they were not permitted to be witnesses in court trials. They could not go out in public, or talk to strangers. They had to be double veiled when they went out of their homes. They were excluded from the worship and teaching of God, with status barely above that of slaves. Their place in society was set in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the interpretation of those scriptures. In a Jewish and Hellenistic environment, the submission of the wife to the husband went without question as considered the foundation of the family order, and in therefore of the order of society.† For many scholars ,the first Christians had been accused of rocking the boat, and Paul wanted to make it clear that Christians were not anarchists. Therefore, Pauls statements about women tend to take on a different tone altogether if seen within the context of all of his writings, actually they serve to reflect and reinforce the message of mutual submission in Christ. (Lynda L.1990 pg.21) In fact in Galatians 3:27-8: The Same Paul says All of you who were given to Christ through baptism have put on Christ. Here there is no longer any difference between Jew nor Greek, or between slave or freed, or between man and woman: but all of you are one in Christ Jesus. This doesnt mean that the borders no longer exist in this life; Paul was not out to abolish slavery and to struggle for the social equality of women. His concern was not for the improvement of present social structures but for the establishment of unity in the church, the one body of Christ, and then as one in Christ all other issues would be overcome. One important point is that Paul, depended on women to help him in his ministry, and he thanks them in his letters by name, Phoebe, a deaconess of the church, â€Å"she helped many and among them myself † (Romans 16:2). In Philippians (4:2-3) Evodia and Syntyche of whom, he says, â€Å"they have laboured with me in the service of the gospel.† And finally If he really despised marriage, would he have spoken so warmly and repeatedly of the couple Prisca and Aquila, whom he referred to as â€Å"my helpers in Christ Jesus. To save my life they risked theirs; I am very grateful to them, as are all the churches of pagan nations.† As seen Women have exerted a special influence on Christian life and have profoundly affected its spirituality, but the exact nature of this relationship has yet to be fully understood. Holy women throughout history have struggled over the nature of women`s calling within the church. Christianity has been, both a liberating force for women and the cause of their oppression. But we would like to conclude with an uplifting message, God is still saying today to those of us who are willing to listen a message that will clear us of any doubts towards gender equality; â€Å"In heaven, men and women will stand together praising God †. (REV. 22:3-5) A clear picture or even better the eternal picture, about women in Christianity. Bibliography: Christian Community Bible, Claretian Publication, Quezon City, Philippines. LYNDA L.1990 pg.21,The gentle strength, university press of Virginia, USA FRANK WESTON,2001. The Revelation of Eternal Love: Christianity Stated in Terms of LoveBiblio Bazaar, Oxford UK (accessed 7/03/2010) (accessed 7/03/2010)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

White Fang :: essays research papers

Jack London is an author known for his stories of the North. My author’s contribution to American literature is gargantuan. Jack London has produced many well-known American novels. He has had a difference on the approach writers take on crafting their literature. His most well known novel â€Å"To Build A Fire† is one of the greatest American short stories ever created. In a good number of his stories the central conflict is man vs. nature. His impact on American literature has altered the way people write stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My favorite character in the story would have to be White Fang. White Fang is the key character of the novel. His mother Kiche, (she-wolf) mated with a full wolf and had a litter of pups. White Fang was the only pup to survive a series of famines. White Fang starts his life out in the wild rather than being pampered. He progresses and becomes more of a dog rather than a wolf. This is all the added reasoning to why White Fang is my favorite character. He dodges adversity and becomes more like a man rather than a monster. Though, as the book progresses he becomes more fierce and untamed. This undoubtedly leads to his demise, but White Fang pulls through. Scott eventually saves White Fang, and is the first human to show him kindness. Scott changes White Fang’s comprehension of human’s and becomes an affectionate loving dog.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The character I detest the most would have to be Gray Beaver, White Fang’s first master. A harsh and unkind man like Gray Beaver showed no care for White Fang. Nevertheless for some odd reason White Fang bonds to him out of certain mutual admiration. White Fang becomes extremely vicious because of Gray Beaver’s care for him. When Gray Beaver becomes addicted to alcohol he heads to Fort Yukon to buy and sell goods. He eventually sells White Fang to monster of man named Beauty Smith. This is why Gray Beaver is the antagonist in the novel White Fang and why I dislike him the most.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Judge Scott, Weedon Scott’s father reminds me of my dad. Judge Scott throughout the novel doesn’t believe in White Fang until White Fang saves his life. Judge Scott ultimately refers to White Fang as the â€Å"Blessed Wolf.† This event connects to my life a lot, when I was out driving with my father he wanted to teach me to parallel park.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Challenges Faced by the TCL of Household Brands

From the political perspective, China's accession to the WTO, the competitiveness of home appliances market will be growing; TCL will have to accept the challenge of many household brands. These challenges will bring our goods to exchange a big impact. Now farmers are getting richer, the consumption level increases. Later there will be more and more people use appliances. From economic factors, the current domestic economic impact of the economic crisis is not large, but gradually changed the domestic economy was getting better and better, the city people and rural people's spending power is increasing, but because the more tired goods more price increases Fast, so people need the degree of electronic products become low. From technical factors, the people now need more and more domestic TV, the products are constantly updated. However, the domestic production technology of new technologies, is still smaller than the level of international production technology, production technology, we may be big blow, and perhaps only get a small fee. From the social and cultural factors, China's population structure is complex, each of the requirements for electronic products are not the same, especially for mobile phone consumption among young people account for a large position. The consumption level of each person is different; the products are not the same need, so that people differ greatly in need of electronic products. As a large electronics company, TCL has been facing a lot of competitors. Fields in plasma, Panasonic, 20% market share and become market leader, Panasonic is the vanguard of technology with technology. In the LCD TV market, market share reach of first place, Sharp at 28% of the market occupies the second place. The stolen Chang Hong is the first to enter the field, and put the largest companies, in terms of Chang Hong’s rear-projection TV screen, functionality and price point of view still holds in the country's most eye-catching position. For TV, the buyer has a strong bargaining power, because most buyers of TV consumers, individual consumers will be very concerned about product prices. TV is not a necessity in life, is increasingly supported by computers and other electronic information products to replace, consumers are not eager to buy. Many electronics manufacturers, greatly reduced in order to seize the market price of the TV as an electronic information products consumers great choice, convenient channels of information, the information consumers want to know the market very easily. TCL is the internal environment from the following points. TCL lot of resources, from the tangible assets of view, TCL Company continued the production of emerging products. Many people like TCL’s electronics products. TCL latest production of LCD TVs, to protect people's eyes, can also reduce the energy consumption of the TV. From the perspective of intangible assets, TCL won many awards. For example, in 2009, received 60 years in China Brand Image Award; TCL's brand value in 2009 for the first time exceeded 400 billion Yuan. ?(Docin, 2011) TCL has a very good team, TCL of all employees are aware, do not build an internationally competitive corporate culture, can not become internationally competitive enterprises.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How To Write An Argumentative Essay Essays

How To Write An Argumentative Essay Essays How To Write An Argumentative Essay Paper How To Write An Argumentative Essay Paper Essay Topic: Argumentative Nowadays, in the epoch of great technological development study process has become easier and not so troublesome. Modern students don’t need to go to the library, write long precis or spend much time reading boring literature. The global network gives them all necessary information that is essential for study. Time is changing everything, but essay writing is the permanent component of college or high school. Different types of academic and non-academic papers are in great demand because they reveal the knowledge of students, show the creativity and analytical thinking. This part of education isn’t a problem as well because students have a unique chance to use different services that can create the argumentative essay, for instance, instead of them. Of course, it sounds very positive and sweet, but one fact is obvious – everybody has to know how to write an argumentative essay. That is why we have dedicated this article to the key steps and crucial things of writing an argumentative essay. Hope it will be informative for you. Moreover, we offer you some argumentative essay examples.   Learn more We invoke you to follow this manual as it will teach you how to create the winning and compelling content. First of all, we intend to tell that good argumentative essay is the writing where the author evaluates the evidence and investigate the topic. Another key thing to know is that this type of writing requires not only the presentation of primary and secondary sources; the student has to present his/her assumptions and hypothesis related to the topic. That is why you should be armed with necessary knowledge about how to write an argumentative essay. We offer you this guide that will show the right destination for writing. Understand the essence and goal of argumentative essay You have to brainstorm all possible variants of this type of writing and conclude how you may present your summary of the issue better; as the main purpose of the essay is to state your position and convince the reader about the credibility of your results. Pick the winning methodology While creating your paper, you have to realize which way of writing is the easiest for you. We should say that you can start with arguments and then go to counterarguments. H3: Understand the message of the essay You have to know that the content of your text must develop your argument and prove readers that your research is better than other. Moreover, the target audience should be confident that you, as an author, is aware of different aspects of this investigation. Choose the topic Common knowledge is that this choice is the most troublesome as from the wide variety of possible variants we have to pick the best. Before you begin, we want to say that good topic has to be debatable, controversial, and up to date. Moreover, your main points of discussion should appeal to you. Do not try to re-write somebody’s paper; your task is to create from scratch. Another key thing to know, do not try to prove the obvious fact, for instance, sport makes us stronger; everybody agrees with it without your evidence and investigation. Be confident that you choose the winning topic. Argument When you have picked the theme, it is time for you to think about arguments. The first hint, ask your mom or anybody who can listen to your opinion and advice whether your arguments are effective and persuasive. It will help you realize if your statements will convince target audience. Realize your audience The crucial thing of essay is to know the audience. Obviously, you will speak differently with the committee and students, for instance. This aspect influences the tone and language of the paper. Structure It is a high time to speak not about how to write an argumentative essay but the most important aspect of the essay – structure. We want to please you that argumentative essay is not exceptional writing, so it consists of three parts as well as other papers. Before start writing, you have to make the argumentative essay outline that will help you manage all your data. As you can guess, it is a type of forbidden thing to write the results of the investigation in the opening paragraph. Let’s get started. Introduction Usually, the first paragraph of a paper should be introduction where you present the future investigation. You have to use such hooks that will grab the target audience and attract their attention to your idea. We highly recommend you to comprise the title of used sources and methods that you applied. Do not forget about your thesis statement because it is the logical ending of the first part and beginning of the main body. e.g., â€Å"Female circumcision is also known, more accurately, like female genital mutilation and female genital cutting (FGC.) The tradition of FGC dates back more than 1000 years in parts of Asia, the Far East, Europe, Asia, South America, and even amongst certain ethnic groups in the United States.† Main body That is the biggest part of the essay. Be ready to spend much time and effort to make it well. Here you should present information that supports your arguments and statements. Remember that the main aim of this part of the essay is to illustrate the whole picture of the paper. Do not forget to divide it into paragraphs. Moreover, each part of the main body should contain a statement, prof, and evidence that tells the reader about the issue. Such formula will make your essay qualitative. e.g., â€Å"Guided by journalism’s code of ethics- accuracy, objectivity, and fairness- print news reporters have gathered and delivered stories what editors decide is fit for their readers. One of the most important advantages online news offers over the print news is the presence of built-in hyperlinks, which carry readers from one electronic document to another. Links provide a kind of transparency impossible in print because they allow readers to see through the online news to the â€Å"sources, disagreements, and the personal assumptions and values† that may have influenced a news story (Weinberger).† Conclusion Speaking of conclusion, we have to say that this part should be a successful ending of your paper that summarizes thesis, evaluates evidence, and illustrates the results. We highly recommend you state the argument and persuade readers to support your thesis. Remember that it is a type of forbidden thing to present new information in conclusion. The last sentence should include the acknowledgment to your readers. Make such conclusion that will be the best ending of your writing. e.g., â€Å"The Internet has enabled consumers to participate in a new way of reading, questioning, interpreting, and reporting the news. Decisions about appropriate content and coverage are no longer exclusively in the hands of news editors.† Final steps of how to write an argumentative essay Now, when you have written the main content of the paper, it is time to cite your primary and secondary sources. Be sure that you follow all rules of correct formatting. Do not forget to consult the professor about the required style. After this procedure, polish your paper and fix all mistakes. The qualitative essay should be grammatically and lexically correct. That is why arm yourself with patience and proofread your masterpiece. Hope you have realized the main specificity of the good argumentative essay. Do not postpone and make a piece that will impress the readers. Do you still hesitate how to write an argumentative essay?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Informative Essay Sample on the Novella Heart of Darkness Underlying Ideas

Informative Essay Sample on the Novella Heart of Darkness Underlying Ideas While in England between 1898 and 1899, Joseph Conrad wrote the novella Heart of Darkness. Taking place during the height of European imperialism in Africa, Heart of Darkness follows the journey up the Congo River of Marlow, a steamboat captain. Marlow comes to Africa to escape the strict confines of European society. Marlow is very idealistic, and during his travels up the Congo, he is eager to prove that there is some good to the European presence in Africa. Although Marlow looks for signs of the good of imperialism, he finds none. Because of this, Marlow is eager to meet with Kurtz, another trader in the Congo. Marlow is so eager to meet with Kurtz because he believes Kurtz is the man the will prove to him that there is good in the European presence in Africa. However, as Marlow journeys up the Congo, viewing the effects of European imperialism on Africa, he realizes that there is no good in the presence of Europeans; furthermore, he is exposed to his own heart of darkness that he has seen in all the other Europeans in Africa. Joseph Conrad was inspired to write Heart of Darkness because of a journey through the Congo early in the 1890’s. Heart of Darkness deals with European imperialism in Africa during the 1890’s. During this time, Africa was the property of King Leopold II of Belgium. Leopold believed that his mission statement was to reduce the barbarism of the African people by bring civilization to the African people. For most Europeans, the continent of Africa was the Dark Continent because the people of Africa were considered to be uncivilized, uneducated, lacking a real government, and lacking any culture. Europeans considered it their duty to bring all that the Africans lacked in culture and civilization to the continent; thus, imperialism in Africa began. Conrad explores the heart of darkness through the Protagonist of the novel: Marlow. As Marlow journeys up the Congo River, viewing the atrocities of European imperialism on the African people, the reader realizes what the heart of darkness is. The heart of darkness is in the heart of every person where each person is faced with his or her true and often inherently evil nature. A person’s encounter with their own heart of darkness is almost always brought about by a person’s own immoral actions that allows them to see the true nature of themselves or others. As Marlow journeys up the Congo, he sees European society’s heart of darkness, and he realizes that European imperialism is not the selfless mission for the civilization of the African continent, but rather a mission of exploitation based greed and ambition in the hearts of Europeans in the Congo. Marlow comes to Africa because he feels very separated from the imperialism in Africa; furthermore, Marlow has heard what the critics say about imperialism in Africa. When he goes to Africa, he is very idealistic about the European presence there despite some of the stories he has heard. From the beginning of his journey, Marlow is confronted with the insanity of imperialism in Africa when he sees a French ship repeatedly shelling a spot of forested coast for no apparent reason saying, â€Å"Nothing happened. Nothing could happen. There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding, a sense of lugubrious drollery in the sight; and it was not dissipated by somebody on board assuring me earnestly there was a camp of nativehe called them enemies!hidden out of sight somewhere.† Pg. 11 As Marlow continues his way up the Congo River, he encounters decay and death at an alarming rate. He was overwhelmed by the horror of the death and destruction he sees: It is here that Marlow first enco unters the heart of darkness and slowly begins to realize what it is. Marlow is once again faced with this overwhelming sense of decay and death when he reaches the outer station of the company, he encounters a group of native African people who have basically been enslaved in a chain gang; furthermore, he sees that also the Europeans are suffering as well: disease, biting insects, and outrageous heat. This scene at the outer station is an important one because it shows that not only is the African people suffering because of imperialism, but so are the Europeans as well. Basically, no one is reaping any real advantages from the European presence in Africa. During a ten-day wait at the outer station, Marlow is first told about Kurtz. After being exposed to an overwhelming amount of evidence against imperialism, Marlow is now introduced to the idea of man doing good for the people of the Dark Continent. Marlow realizes this; thus, he has a strong desire to locate and talked to Kurtz in hopes of seeing first hand the good that Kurtz does for the people of the dark continent. A Marlow travels up the Congo River, he is being exposed more and more to the savagery, this heart of darkness, which all the Europeans in Africa seem to posses. For example, Marlow overhears a conversation between the Manager of that company and his uncle about the condition of Kurtz. Marlow discovers that these men wish to hang Kurtz and are discussing ways in which to accomplish this. They wish to hang Kurtz in order to level the competition in their favor because â€Å"anything can be done in this country.† These two men, both civilized at first glance, posses these savage and primal tendencies. Marlow sees this and is once again exposed to the heart of darkness that man possesses. Conrad does an excellent job of conveying this savagery and animal actions when he has Marlow describe the uncle of the manager’s mannerisms during the conversation saying, extend his short flipper of an arm for a gesture. . .that seemed to beckon with a dishonoring flourish before the su nlit face of the land a treacherous appeal to the lurking death, to the hidden evil, to the profound darkness of its heart. (Pg.27) As Marlow continues up the river to find Kurtz, the signs of European society were replaced by a more primal and savage feeling. I believe this to be a metaphor for the heart of darkness: A person may look civilized on the surface, but as you further explore them, you begin to see that they are truly savage at heart. Once Marlow reaches Kurtz’s station, he encounters a young man. The young man tells Marlow about Kurtz’s tendency to wander off into the forest alone, raiding nearby villages for ivory and gaining the loyalty of the natives. The young man also confided in Marlow that Kurtz had almost shot him once for some ivory saying, â€Å"He declared he would shoot me unless I gave him the ivory and then cleared out of the country, because he could do so, and had a fancy for it, and there was nothing on earth to prevent him killing whom he jolly well pleased.† (Pg.50) With this description by the young man of Kurtz, Marlow’s hope’s of finding the presence of good in European imperialism is Africa is crushed. The situation of Marlow being told of Kurtz reputation as a good man and now seeing that he too has been corrupted and has done terrible things to the African people is another metaphor for the heart of darkness that Conrad places in the book. After arriving at Kurtz station, Kurtz in taken aboard Marlow’s ship, and the two meet and speak for the first time. Later that night, Marlow tracks Kurtz off the ship and finds him watching some kind of tribal ceremony. Marlow trys to get Kurtz to come back to the boat, but as he looks at Kurtz alone in the wilderness he comments that he realizes that because Kurtz had been alone in the wilderness, his soul was alone and had gone mad; furthermore, Marlow realizes that his soul has this very same feeling to it. At this moment, Marlow comes to the realization that he too has his own heart of darkness. The next night, as the ship sailed down the Congo, Marlow witnesses Kurtz’s death. As Kurtz died he said, â€Å"The horror, the horror.†( pg.62) I believe this quote is a commentary on what man can do when not inhibited by society’s restrictions. In the case of Kurtz, society was willing to over-look any of his more questionable actions because Kurtz supplied them with ivory. When Kurtz says these words on his deathbed, he is speaking to the atrocities man can commit when there are no restrictions placed on him by society. Marlow comes to Africa with the hope of seeing the good of European Imperialism first hand. Instead, Marlow is exposed to the heart of darkness: a primal and savage instinct that all man posses, yet is never truly exposed unless the circumstances are correct. As Marlow journeys up the Congo, his encounters with the heart of darkness become more frequent and powerful. Through the novel, he battles his own heart of darkness until he finally gives into it at the end of the novel. Through Kurtz’s death, Kurtz was able to say something true about the mess that human life has become: The horror! The horror! Because of Kurtz, Marlow was able to look into the darkness that Kurtz had gotten lost in, and learn from that darknesswhether this was beneficial or harmful is an uncertainty.

Monday, November 4, 2019

African Americans 1877 to Present Research Paper

African Americans 1877 to Present - Research Paper Example The Compromise of 1877 occurred when the Democrats agreed they would not block Hayes victory as long as the Republicans removed their federal troops from the South. Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida became democratic states as a result, and it was the end of the reconstruction era. The Southern white people resulted in violence and intimidation against African Americans because of the end of the reconstruction period. Blacks were kept from exercising their democratic right to voting and white supremacy was dominant in the area. There were many Supreme Court decisions that limited the reconstruction amendment laws and were against the Black community (Campbell & Fraser, 2008). The 14th and 15th Amendments give African Americans the right to be American citizens and protect them using the constitution. They were also not allowed to vote. Southern Democrats had made a promise to the government to protect the rights of the Black people, but they did not honor the promises. The feder al government stops interfered in the affairs of the South, which led to discontent among the Black community, who were not allowed to vote in any election. The results of the Reconstruction era led to the massive exodus of African Americans from the South and many migrated to Kansas. The African Americans, however, got hope as the first Black women’s college open in 1881, the Spelman College. There is also the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute that began in the same year in Alabama. It was one of the few Institutes for higher learning for the African Americans. In 1982, the American Colonization Society that founded Monrovia in 1847, the present-day Liberia continued with the movement of African Americans to Liberia. The leader of the Society Robert Finley believes the migration of African Americans back to Africa would be a solution to the problems they were encountering in America. More than twelve thousand slaves were successfully relocated

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of Slavery and the Genesis of American Race Prejudice Article Essay

Analysis of Slavery and the Genesis of American Race Prejudice Article - Essay Example Degler states that, â€Å"†¦ the status of the Negro in the English colonies was worked out in a framework of discrimination; that from the outset, as far as the available evidence tells us, the negro was treated inferior to the white man’s servant of the free man† (Degler 52). Degler in this statement puts a halt to the discussion on what came first between slavery and discrimination and asserts that slavery evolved from the continued discrimination of the Negro by the white man, partly because there were no structures to protect Negros in America. Consequently, slavery evolved as a legal status and an epitome to discrimination. Degler seeks to differentiate the difference in the treatment of Negros in the Spanish and Portuguese Iberian region to that of the British. He explains that the major differences were that while the former had already fixed legal status to deal with the Negro even before they ventured into America, the same structures lacked in British te rritories. Secondly, Degler explains that â€Å"the discrimination against the negro antedated the legal status of slavery† (Degler 52). These were the main facts that differentiated British treatment of the Negros from the Spanish and the Portuguese. Degler in his argument makes a clear statement that slavery in the North American region left a considerably different mark on the status of Negros compared to the South American region, which according to Degler explains the current cases of racism in America. Degler asserts that as Handlin asserted, before the seventeenth century, the term slavery was not in use. However, Degler is fast to clarify that the fact that the discriminatory name did not exist does not indicate there was similar treatment between the Negro and the freeman.Â